We're renovating our on-line gallery.
Superior completed a lot of awesome projects over the years. Was yours one of them?
If your project was one of them…we would love to showcase it in our new gallery. We need pictures of anything from small re-flooring projects to full scale bathroom or kitchen remodels - commercial or residential.
To be included, just send us your project photos.
Three simple ways to submit your photos.
1) Post pics on our Facebook page or yours and tag @SuperiorFloors.
2) Post pics on Instagram and tag @SuperiorFloors
3) Send pics via email to tshields@floorandkitchen.com
Hershey Bears Ticket Give-Away
As a thank you... Everyone who submits a Superior project photo will be entered into a drawing for Hershey Bears tickets.
One person will be selected randomly to receive four, Hershey Bear, home game, club level, tickets. Tickets include free event parking. Event date is to be determined but will be for a home game during the season.